
The Underground Marketer Podcast

Episode 14 – The Hidden Secret in Think & Grow Rich that Makes All the Difference

The Underground Marketer Podcast
The Underground Marketer Podcast
Episode 14 - The Hidden Secret in Think & Grow Rich that Makes All the Difference

The Magic Pill vs. The Process 

In today’s episode, I’ll discuss the idea of the magic pill vs. the process when it comes to success in business. I run a marketing agency and, over the years, I’ve met several people who perpetually struggle. While they do put in the work, it’s never enough. Even though they work very hard, they get little to no results in exchange. Sounds familiar? 

In this episode, I will teach you my 4-step process to improve your thinking, set a goal, and become successful. You’ll realize that success is not a matter of luck or a secret trick, but the result of consistent, SMART work. You can’t just skip to the end – you have to follow the process, learn from your mistakes, and continuously improve. 

3 Big Ideas 

  1. The most valuable skill in business is being able to think critically and accurately. It’s highly important that you can accurately assess the shortcomings of your business model and face the brutality of the marketplace. If you don’t do this, you’ll just end up lying to yourself and never succeed. 
  2. Set one clear S.M.A.R.T. goal to accomplish. SMART is an acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timebound. Create a detailed step-by-step SMART plan to achieve your goal and grow your business. You only set one goal because it’s essential to prioritize only what’s most important for your growth. 
  3. Your no.1 job as a CEO or a business owner is to have a vision for the future of your company. It’s not enough to increase sales and attract new customers, you need to create a path that you can follow long term and that is profitable. 

Show Notes

[01:38] Tudor shares the one mistake that holds people back from achieving success. 

  • What many entrepreneurs do wrong is that they’re always looking for a simple, one-hit-wonder solution to their problems. 
  • For example, they search for that one copywriter or marketer who can come in and turn their business around; who can write copy that will suddenly help them get sales. 
  • Whatever it is that these people are looking for, they have one thing in common: they’re looking for a shortcut, a quick trick that could solve all their problems and make them rich and successful. But no such thing exists! 
  • There are no ready-made answers in business, otherwise, everyone would succeed. There are no steps that you can follow that will guarantee you success. The truth is that not everyone can do it. 

[03:16] The closest thing to a shortcut in business is finding a strong business model.

  • A strong business model means finding the right market for your product or service and having a good strategy that allows you to grow and scale your business. 
  • But finding a strong business model is actually a process of trial and error. It’s not a one-time event that suddenly makes all the difference. 
  • In order to be successful, you need to provide something that is in demand and that people need. If there is no demand, you can’t artificially create it.
  • People who think they can skip this whole process of trial and error and jump straight to the breakthrough are mistaken. You can’t go from 0 to 100 without first going from 0 to 1. You must go through the process. 

[06:00] Many wrongly assume that salesmanship is the #1 skill in business. 

  • One skill that is more important is learning to ask the right questions. 
  • Business if you play it wrong can be a lot like gambling. A gambler derives pleasure from the idea that they may win next time, even if the odds are very low. But there’s always the next time, so they keep doing it. The idea of winning drives them and makes them forget about all their losses. 
  • That’s why I consider that the most valuable skill in business is being able to think critically, effectively, and accurately about your priorities and where you stand in the market. This will help you focus on developing a process that gets you closer to your goals. In the end, facing reality will make all the difference.
  • Critical and accurate thinking is a hard skill to master because we are very good at deceiving ourselves. We like to dream of success more than we actually like to put in the work to achieve it. That’s why you keep jumping from one trick to another: because you don’t want to face the reality that success in business is hard and not guaranteed. 

[09:53] Tudor says that many entrepreneurs are held back because they’re failing to think any better. 

  • They keep thinking the same things. They keep asking themselves the same questions. This keeps them stuck in the same place for many years. They refuse to face reality and they refuse to change. That’s why they don’t move ahead.
  • Just like a gambler, they refuse to see that there is no chance of winning in the long run. 
  • Tudor says that as a CEO, your #1 job is to have a vision for the future. Developing your accurate thinking skills will give you a path that you can pursue profitably. The market will develop and if you don’t, you’ll be left behind. 
  • For instance, if you’re a coach and you have a group coaching program, you need to ask yourself questions such as: Am I targeting the right audience? Do these people need what I’m selling? If you don’t ask yourself these tough questions, you can’t improve and provide more value to your customers. 

[13:20] Tudor shares some of his personal experiences with clients. 

  • Some come to his agency and say that they’ve been trying to sell a product or service for many years but to no avail. While these people are trying very hard, the reason why they are not succeeding is that they’re selling the wrong thing, even though they have access to feedback. They just refuse to accept reality. 
  • One client, who was a coach, produced a video training series. While the quality of the videos was terrible, he was convinced that they were valuable. When faced with reality (the poor quality of the product), he refused to accept it and instead went searching for someone to validate him. But that’s self-delusion – you’re basically lying to yourself. 3 months later after spending a few thousand dollars working with someone else, his promotion failed.
  • However, there is definitely a thin line between confidence and delusion. We all heard the stories about famous people who kept trying and eventually succeeded, even though everyone around them said they won’t. Yet when you refuse to accept feedback, that’s when you’re going to fail. 
  • The only way you can prevent this is by practicing accurate thinking. If your market says that they are not going to buy your product, stop trying to shove it in there. Listen to feedback, hold yourself accountable, and improve.

[17:00] Tudor details the best method to train yourself to think more accurately in business. 

  • By following this 4-step process, you’ll face reality and trigger your improvement process. 

[17:26] Step no. 1: Say No to the Magic Pill  

  • You want to start by avoiding what is known as toxic positivity and get-rich-quick schemes. 
  • There is no secret, no magic pill, no easy way to be successful in business. Get this out of your mind
  • Make a commitment to ignore all this and devote yourself to the process of figuring things out. 

[18:05] Step no. 2: Analyze, Adapt, Overcome 

  • Set a 1-2 hours time window every week when you sit down and review what you’ve done so far. Evaluate your progress and make any necessary adjustments based on the feedback. 
  • Ask yourself questions such as: What is actually happening? What have I tried so far? What are the results? What’s holding me back? Why am I not growing faster? Start brainstorming and answer these questions honestly. 
  • Analyze the feedback that you have (or the lack of it) and give your market what they want, not what you can provide them with. 
  • Figure out where exactly you are at the moment.
  • Many people wrongly assume that if they are good at something, they can provide it to the market. They do this because it’s easy and they are already good at that thing (for example, writing copy). But you need to provide the market with something that they need, not with something that you can do. 

[20:23] Step no. 3: Set One Clear S.M.A.R.T. Goal

  • The truth is that priorities matter. We simply don’t have time to pursue everything we want. So we must set priorities for what’s really important. 
  • Set only one goal for your business. Ask yourself this: If you can achieve just one goal in the next year, what would it be? This will be the most important thing for you and your business right now. If you don’t even have one goal that you can achieve, how are you going to take your business to the next level? 
  • The reality is that most people don’t have any clue where they’re going. Even if they have goals, they are vague and meaningless. 
  • Goals must be S.M.A.R.T. – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timebound. Don’t set vague goals because you’ll never achieve them. 

[23:52] Step no. 4: Create the Process

  • Think about what you need to do in order to achieve your goal. Write a step-by-step detailed plan that you can follow. 
  • For example, let’s say you are a beginner copywriter. Your goal is to make $3,000/month on Upwork within 2 months by providing copywriting services. The goal is S.M.A.R.T. So how do you create the process to achieve this? 
  • You start with the end goal in mind and you work back and create your process. In our case, the first step is to start submitting a certain number of applications every day. You can test different approaches to see what works best. 
  • Over time, you need to review and optimize this process as you’re improving and learning more. Analyze the feedback, make adjustments, and ensure that you hit your goals. 
  • If you don’t hit your goals, reflect on the experience. Hold yourself accountable because no one else will. 

[28:33] Key takeaways from the episode. 

  • Stop searching for the magic cure. There isn’t one. 
  • Success in business is about trusting the process. 
  • The process is triggered by facing the brutal reality of the marketplace. 
  • Develop one clear S.M.A.R.T (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timebound) goal for your business. After you set your goal, create a process to achieve it. 
  • Keep yourself accountable. Review and improve your process. 
  • Don’t lie to yourself because you only stand to lose. 

Recommended Resources

The Road Less Stupid by Keith J. Cunningham

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill 

Full Transcript

Read The Full Transcript

Introduction   00:00:03    Marketing, explosive growth, and revolutionary secrets that can catapult your business to new heights. You’re now listening to The Underground Marketer Podcast with your host Tudor Dumitrescu. The one podcast devoted to showing new businesses how to market themselves for high growth.  


Tudor Dumitrescu     00:00:24    Welcome to The Underground Marketer. This is the place where we deliver the real truth about marketing and explore big ideas that can help new businesses thrive and grow into big ones.


Tudor Dumitrescu     00:00:34    I’m your host, Tudor. And today we’re going to discuss the idea of the magic pill versus the process when it comes to success and getting results in business. So from many years running a marketing agency, I’ve come to discover that there are some people who perpetually struggle in business, and nothing they ever do works out. And at the same time they do put in the effort, you know, so it’s not that they’re not putting in the effort that things aren’t working out. They work very hard, but yet they get little to no results for all of their effort. Typically, these are people who have another job as well, and they’re using the income that they make from their job to try to get their business going. But nothing they do ever makes any difference. They just basically spend their money and that’s pretty much it.  


Tudor Dumitrescu     00:01:36    So, um, the, the first thing that these people do wrong is that they always look for simple one-hit-wonder solutions for their problems. For example, you know, they search for the one copywriter or marketer who can come in and turn their fledgling business around, you know, the guy who can write some different copy for whatever product or service they have. And suddenly they’re going to start getting sales or the one ad company that can come in, take over their Facebook ads, and suddenly they can start generating revenue with it, even though they haven’t made a single sale off of Facebook for years, you know that they’ve tried. These people, the one common characteristic is that whatever they’re doing, they’re always looking for a quick trick that will basically solve all their problems and make them rich and successful. And the problem is that no such trick exists.  


Tudor Dumitrescu     00:02:42    You know, there are no ready, made answers in business. And if you think about it, this becomes very clear, very easily, in my opinion. I mean, if there were ready-made answers being successful in business would be easy. You know, everybody could do it. And the truth is that everybody can’t do it. And that’s why everyone is not successful. There is no easy answer. There’s no, you know, follow these steps and you’re going to be successful no matter what. So finding a strong business model, you know, and by a strong business model, I mean that you find the right product-market fit. You find a good strategy and you can actually grow your business and scaling it. So finding a strong business model actually is a process of trial and error. It’s not just this one event, you know, that based on a one-trick that you learned from somebody that suddenly makes all the difference.  


Tudor Dumitrescu     00:03:45    It’s not like that it’s a process it’s based on trial and error, but at the same time, it’s also based upon thinking and the deep understanding of the underlying factors that affect your industry or market, you know, in order to be really successful, you need to provide something that’s in demand, something that a lot of people want, and then you have to sell that to them. You know, you can’t just think that, oh, you have this wonderful product and you’re just going to try to sell it no matter what, if you do that, it’s not going to go work out. You know, you can, the service that you’re selling isn’t something that’s demanded. You can keep looking for new sales techniques and new copywriting techniques, new ad techniques, whatever. And you’re just not going to get any sort of meaningful results. You’re not going to make any progress.  


Tudor Dumitrescu     00:04:42    So people who think that they can skip this process of trial and error, you know, finding a business model that really works. And that really addresses a need that actually exists in the marketplace. And they think they can jump through this process and jump straight to the breakthrough. Uh, they’re mistaken. You know, they want to go from zero straight to the thing. That’s going to sell like hot bread and that’s not going to happen as much as we like to dream. And as much as many people like to think that they can be successful. And I do think that people can be successful, but it’s not this one thing that they will discover, you know, this little trick that once they have this, then suddenly everything changes. It’s not like that it’s most of the time, it’s a process. You know, you have to go through a series of steps to actually move towards this business model.  


Tudor Dumitrescu     00:05:45    That’s actually in tune with the market in tune with what people need and can actually help you reach your financial goals. So, um, a lot of people when it comes to success in business, think that sales is the number one skill. And personally, I agree that sales is high up there, you know, certainly in the top three, but I don’t think that it’s the most important one. You know, I think that learning to ask the right questions, being able to think critically, effectively, and accurately about what your priorities are, what the reality of the market is and where you stand compared to that reality. That’s really, what is the most valuable thing that you can have. And I mean, accurate thinking is a very undervalued, you know, it’s not sexy, it’s not something that people often talk about and it’s actually very hard to do.  


Tudor Dumitrescu     00:06:49    You know, nobody really likes to engage in deep thinking and in deep thought, because when you do that, you have to face your own insecurities. There is no more chasing after illusions, no more getting pleasure out of those illusions because, you know, it’s sort of like a gambler, you know, a gambler gets pleasure from the idea that he may win the next time he gambles. You know, he, he always thinks that this next time I can actually win. And that’s why he keeps doing it. You know, he’s actually getting pleasure out of it. Sure. He’s not winning, but just the idea that he could win and the next round could be his that’s what drives him on. And some people who are in business are affected by the very same thing. And when you start focusing on developing your critical thinking skills deals, you sort of go beyond this, you know, you face up to the harsh realities and you actually focus on developing a process that gets you closer to your goals and you remain accountable, you know, you stay accountable to the process.  


Tudor Dumitrescu     00:08:06    You stay accountable to your goals, you know where you’re going and you know what you need to do to get there. So while there’s nothing sexy about accurate thinking and you know, really thinking hard about something, this process of going beyond your biases and facing reality is what’s actually going to make the difference in the end. As I said, I think this is the most valuable skill. And it’s also one of the hardest to master because we’re very good at deceiving ourselves. You know, we’re, we’re very good at getting drunk on just cold water. We like to think and imagine success more than we actually want to be successful. That’s what happens to a lot of people. And that’s the biggest roadblock to thinking accurately. That’s why you jump from the one little trick to the next little trick to the hiring the copywriter to whatever it is.  


Tudor Dumitrescu     00:09:11    It’s because you don’t want to face up to the reality that success in business is hard. There are no guarantees and you actually need to go through the process. You know, there’s no avoiding that there is no jumping straight to the big breakthrough. So, I mean, if you think about the people that we were talking about, those people who are stuck inside their businesses for years, they’re not moving ahead, they’re in the same place that they were five years ago, some of them, and if you ask yourself, why are they not moving ahead? Then you’ll come to the conclusion that the one thing that they’re all failing to do is that they’re failing to think any better. You know, they keep thinking the same things. They keep asking themselves the same bad questions, which keep them stuck, which keep them running and chasing and pursuing a fantasy of basically a one-trick savior who can swoop in and save their business in the same form that it’s in.  


Tudor Dumitrescu     00:10:16    And they refuse to listen to the brutal, brutal facts that are delivered to them by the market. And as I was saying, I mean, this is no different than a gambler who thinks that the next spin is what will make him rich. And he refuses to face the brutal fact that the probability of winning, given the model that he has chosen, which is gambling is infinitesimally small, and in the long run, he has almost no chance of winning. And he’d be better off playing some other kind of game. He refuses to think about this. He refuses to even contemplate the possibility. And that’s why, because he fails to think better. He doesn’t move ahead. And as the CEO of a business, or as an entrepreneur, I think that this is your number one job, and it’s even more important than selling. And I think that accurate thinking is really that, which results in a vision for the future and gives you a direction that you can pursue and you can pursue it profitably without accurate thinking.  


Tudor Dumitrescu     00:11:27    And if you’re purely focused on, you know, just getting more sales, bringing more customers in for whatever you’re doing now, then the point is that you’re never actually able to ask the question if what you’re actually doing now, or what you’re actually selling now should even be what you should be selling or doing right now. You know, so I know that let’s say that you’re a coach and you have a group coaching program. For example, if you don’t face up to the brutal facts that you’re getting from the market, and if you don’t ask yourself the tough questions, like do I have, am I targeting the right audience? Do these people actually need what I’m selling? And if you don’t ask yourself these questions, then you can never discover the truth. And you can never start thinking about new ways of doing things and new ways of providing more value to your market, or maybe finding a different market segment where you do provide already more value.  


Tudor Dumitrescu     00:12:34    You know? So, uh, if you just focus on selling more of what you have, you know, you, you don’t notice these bigger problems that you may have inside your business. So that’s why I think that sales is very important, but making sure that your business model is correct, you know, and you have the right product or service market fit, right. There’s actually demand for what you’re selling. I think that that’s more important. And the only way that you can get to that is through accurate thinking and practicing it consistently. You know? So if you think about this, that’s why there are people out there who have been trying to sell the exact same service unsuccessfully for years, you know, I’ve met people for example, they came to the agency and they said that we’ve been trying for four years to sell this service and we’ve barely made any money.  


Tudor Dumitrescu     00:13:35    You know, we’re sustaining this with money that we bring in from our job. What can we do? You know, and I have a look at their business model and I ask myself, you know, why are these people not successful? And the truth is because they’re selling the wrong thing and the feedback is there. You know, they’ve run ads, they’ve driven traffic. They’ve tried to sell the thing, but they refuse to face up to the music. You know, I had one client who was a coach and he came to me and he had produced this video training series and the quality of the videos, not just in terms of the graphic design aspect of that was a problem for sure. But in terms of the actual content was really bad. Like it was terrible. I don’t think that I had ever seen something so terrible. And yet he was convinced that that’s valuable.  


Tudor Dumitrescu     00:14:31    And when I told him that the main problem here is the poor quality of the product. He said that I’m not the right person for him because I don’t see the value in what he’s doing. And that’s self-delusion. You know, you have to realize that if you’re in that position, you’re just deceiving yourself. You know, you’re cheating yourself. I know that in many business books, you read that, you know, you should believe in your idea, even when nobody does. And so on. That’s true up to a point. You know, if you believe in your idea to the point that you delusional and you refuse to take on feedback, you are going to fail. No, and there’s no ifs and buts, you are going to fail. And the only way that you can get around this, you know, and you can prevent this from happening is that you have to actually practice, you know, thinking accurately, uh, about your market and your situation. 


Tudor Dumitrescu     00:15:33    You have to practice facing up to the music and facing up the brutal facts that your market is delivering you. If your market says, we’re not buying your product, you have to face up to it. You know, they’re not buying your product. Why are they not buying your product? Ask yourself these questions and try to find answers. And you have to get comfortable being uncomfortable because you don’t have an answer, right? So the first time you ask a question and you’re thinking you don’t have answers the moment you have an answer, you have stopped thinking. That’s just the way the process goes. You know, when I have an answer, the thought has finished, my thinking process is done. So, um, that’s why the act of thinking is so difficult. It’s uncomfortable because we feel like we don’t know, and we don’t have the answers and we have to figure them out.  


Tudor Dumitrescu     00:16:24    And we’re not even sure if we can figure them out in the first place. So, um, that’s just how it is. You have to face and accept that emotional negative effect that you feel, you know, from thinking, it’s just a result of thinking. If you weren’t thinking you wouldn’t feel emotionally down. So instead of getting high on the fantasy that the next funnel or the next ad or the next campaign will make you rich, you should go back to the drawing board and try to rethink your business model and make sure that your foundations are correct and they’re right. So how do you actually go about training yourself to think more accurately? And how do you go about creating this process that we talked about? So, um, we said that there is no magic pill and that success in business is about a process, right?  


Tudor Dumitrescu     00:17:16    So how do you actually go about enacting this process based on accurate thinking, that’s going to move your business ahead. So I think that the first thing is that you want to start by avoiding super positive bullshit and get rich quick schemes that promise to give you an instant cure, right? There is no secret and no easy way to be successful in business, period. You know, there’s simply, such a thing doesn’t exist. You know. So just getting out of your mind, get it out of your system, make a commitment that you will ignore all that. And instead, you’re going to devote yourself to a process of figuring things out for yourself. You know, that’s number one, you have to make this commitment. Second. I would say that you want to set time every week, usually one to two hours per week. When you review what you’ve done, you look at your process that you have so far, you make any adjustments to the process based on the feedback that you have, and you review your goals or remind yourself of your goals.  


Tudor Dumitrescu     00:18:25    Of course, for those of you who have nothing of this sort set up already, you have to start by actually doing that. You know? So, uh, you have to actually create this process from scratch and it all starts out with facing up to the brutal facts of your business. You know, so what’s actually happening. What have you tried so far? What are the results what’s actually holding you back? Why aren’t you actually making more sales? What’s the hangup? You know, why aren’t you growing three times as fast as you are? Why aren’t you growing 10 times as fast as you are? What’s the thing that’s holding you back and start thinking about it. Start brainstorming and facing the brutal facts. Because I mean, if you’ve been in business, even for a short while you’re getting feedback, even if it’s negative feedback or maybe the lack of feedback from your market.  


Tudor Dumitrescu     00:19:19    So, um, review any previous attempts and figure out what they’re trying to tell you. What do people, you know, in this market actually need and really start thinking about those questions and figuring them out for yourself. Then once you do this and you start facing up to the brutal facts, I think that you have to agree with yourself that you will give your market what they want, not what you find easy to provide them with. And a lot of people make this mistake. So for example, they have a passion or they’re good at something, or they have a skill in something, and they want to provide that to the market. Not because the market needs it, but because they’re good at it, you know, they find it easy. It’s easy for them to write copy, for example. It’s hard for them to do something else for their market that their market needs a lot more. 


Tudor Dumitrescu     00:20:11    So that’s the second commitment that you have to make after you face up to the brutal facts. And once you’ve done this, you have to set your one clear goal. And the fact is that priorities matter in life. And we don’t, we simply don’t have time to get everything that we want. So we have to set priorities for what is really important. That’s why I say that you need just one goal. You know, not two goals, not three goals. You need just one goal for your business. And basically think about it this way. If you can achieve just one goal in the next year for your business, what will that goal be? If you do nothing else, you know, do nothing else but achieve just this one goal. What will it be? What’s the most important thing for you and start brainstorming.  


Tudor Dumitrescu     00:21:06    And I mean, if you don’t do this and you don’t know your one goal, how can you even take your business to the next level? How do you even know where the next level is? You know, and the reality is that most people, they have no clue where they’re going. Even if they have a goal, I mean, they have vague goals that either are meaningless to them, or they don’t matter at all to their business. So I like to say that goals must be SMART and that’s the acronym for smart. So it means Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound, you know, don’t just have a general goal. All my business will be bigger by next quarter. That’s too vague. It’s not specific. It is measurable, you know, because you can measure it, but you have no idea if it’s achievable or if it’s relevant at all, you know, and the reason you don’t is because it’s too vague, you know? 


Tudor Dumitrescu     00:22:04    So you have no idea. If you can actually grow your revenue by next quarter, you know, what’s going on in your industry, are you losing clients currently, what’s going on? So you have no idea if it’s achievable, because it’s not specific enough, you need to put a number to it and you need to make sure that it’s relevant for you and making sure that your one goal is relevant is very important. You know? So I hear people, for example, they, they, they’re not making any revenue, you know, but they’re in business. Let’s say that they are, let’s say they’re a copywriter, right? So they’re in business. They’re not making any revenue. They need money to sustain themselves. And they set their big goal as start the best copywriting podcast in the world. In the next three months. That’s a very, in my opinion, stupid goal, because it’s not at all relevant to what they need.  


Tudor Dumitrescu     00:22:55    They need to make income now. You know, not in three months, not in four months, not in one year, you know, as much as it will realistically take to actually develop a podcast and build the audience and so on. These things take time and that’s not what they need. They need a goal that’s relevant and specific to them and achievable from where they are. So set one clear, smart goal. That’s the first step after you’ve done the preliminary work, which is we mentioned was basically saying no to the magic pill, saying no to any one quick trick solution. And then actually setting out time to think more accurately and facing up to the brutal facts of reality. Right? So after you’ve done all that, you set one clear, smart goal, and that’s where you’re going to work back from. Right? So once you have your goal, you have to create a process for yourself.  


Tudor Dumitrescu     00:23:55    You know, so how do I reach this goal? What do I have to, what to do in order to reach it? You know? So if you’re a beginner copywriter, one pro let’s say that your goal is to make $3,000 a month within two months. You know, let’s say that that’s your specific goal by providing, let’s say, copywriting services on Upwork, right? So that could be what your, uh, your goal is. It’s very specific. It’s, time-bound within two months it’s measurable, it’s achievable and it’s relevant to you. So, uh, how would you go about, about creating a process for this? Well, it’s very simple. So you start with the end goal. You need to make that amount of money. So how can you do it through Upwork, right? You need to submit applications, right? So that’s probably going to be the centerpiece of your, um, process. So you need to submit a certain number of applications per day, and you can create a process around that.  


Tudor Dumitrescu     00:24:53    You can start testing different application styles to see what is effective and what gets responses and go from there. You know, so you start with the end in mind with the goal, and then you work back and you create a process. That’s going to tell you, you know, what you actually need to do to achieve that goal. And of course, over time, you’re actually going to review this process. So don’t expect that the process that you create in your thinking session, you know, after you faced the, the brutal facts, don’t think that this process is going to be set in stone. So you’re going to face new brutal facts that come up, you know, new feedback from the market, and you’re going to make any adjustments you need to the process to make sure that you hit your goals. And if you do not hit your goals, then you have to reflect honestly, why you have failed and come up with a better process, learn from the experience.  


Tudor Dumitrescu     00:25:47    So this is about being accountable. There is no excuse for setting a goal and not reaching it. There is none, zero. You have to reach it, you know, and it’s just about designing the process and then improving the process that’s required to take you there. And if you fail, then you need to face up to the failure. You know, don’t say, oh, I failed, but I did a good enough job. There’s no good enough job. If you failed, you know, you need to hold yourself accountable. So review your process. You know, when you have future thinking sessions, after you have it and make sure that it’s actually taking you to your goal, and if it’s not, or if it’s not taking you there quickly enough, then change it. So, um, I would say that this is the, the main thing. So start practicing accurate thinking.  


Tudor Dumitrescu     00:26:35    And I mean, if you do this, your business will really make a quantum leap forward and it’s not hard. I mean, you have to start with the end in mind – with one clear smart goal, as we said, then you create a process as best as you can at first, that will realistically take you there. You take feedback on the way, you review your progress and you make any adjustments to the process that you may need to make, you know, to actually get there. And I know that people love book recommendations. So, um, for this episode, when it comes to books, I would recommend in terms of keeping you on the right path, when it comes to thinking more clearly a great book is The Road Less Stupid by Keith Cunningham. It’s a great read. And it’s actually going to give you a process for your thinking sessions.  


Tudor Dumitrescu     00:27:28    And it also has some great questions in there. You know, that just help get your mind in motion, help you see things differently, and think about things that may actually help you. And another useful read for this is actually Think and Grow Rich, which is the quintessential success book. And I mean, Napoleon Hill does talk about the importance of accurate thinking in there. And it’s one of those things that few people notice, you know, like everybody notices the burning desire, the have faith, the whatever, but very few people notice that he says that accurate thinking in there, is essential if you want to get rich, if you want to make a lot of money. And I mean, it’s essential, not just in the financial world, it’s also essential in life. You know, whatever goal you have, you have to face up to the truth and react accordingly.  


Tudor Dumitrescu     00:28:21    You can’t live in a fantasy world, you know, getting high on your own fantasies and whatever. You’re never going to be successful like that. So, um, that’s pretty much it for today. I would say, remember what we’ve covered. So basically stop searching for the magic cure. Success in business is about embracing the process. That’s what’s going to lead you in the end to massive success. And this process consists first and foremost in accurate thinking and facing up to the brutal facts that the market is delivering to you. And you start this process of accurate thinking by developing one smart goal for your business. Remember what we said about the smart goals, specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound then after you set your goal, you go back and you create the process that you actually need to go through to achieve it. And you keep reviewing and improving the process as you get more feedback. And of course you stay accountable, which is very important. And I mean, if you can do all this, you won’t need the magic pill. You know, this alone will make a tremendous difference in your business. So that’s about it for today.


Tudor Dumitrescu     00:29:39    Stay for the next episode. And until next time, keep growing your business and providing massive value to the world. Because remember, you are the reason why we’re all growing richer or freedoms are expanding and we’re all living in greater prosperity. Thank you!

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